Monday, 2 November 2009

Summary of peer comments

Needs more close-ups of the singers face, but the setting of the band + props were very good.

Well done camera work with nice framing.

Mise-En-Scene good, not typically 'indie' but fits with the genre.

At the beginning, camera work is really good because of the home-video feel which comes from the effects.

Concept of a band in a TV is good.

In the bridge of the song, not a lot happens, needs something original.

Good edit with the footage on the TV.

Bad TV effect very effective. Black and white with color gives a nice contrast.

Good performance from the band, costume use good.

Band dressed very indie.

Idea suits genre but adds a funny twist with the dancing.

More close ups of the band are needed to promote band.

More structure around key parts of the song are needed.

Show all members of the band.

Could add some footage of something else other than people dancing just in case it gets a bit repetitive.

More facial reaction shots.

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