Monday 21 September 2009

Track Choices And Initial ideas

Our three tracks we have short listed are:

Track 01: Tv Riot / The Adored
Track 09: La Song / Supergrass
Track 10: Saturday Night / The Thrills

We personally thought these tracks would be the easiest to make into a good music video.

Our Ideas for each video are:

Track 01: A man watches television and is channel hopping, every channel has the same person singing back the lyrics to the viewer. Set ideas are: Sitting Room with the TV, News room, Crime watch with the band being beating by the police, Jeremy Kyle/Springer type show. Puppets with the band in the middle. Foreign black and white subtitled film.

Track 09: ?

Track 10: We will have a candid camera style shoot, by singing the lyrics around real members of the public to get their reactions. We will blend this with some actors because we can't shoot too much unplanned action.

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